Library Overview

Print Journals

The institute has a well equipped library with over 50000+ books on a wide range of management subjects. It has unique blend of books varying with the diverse courses covering specializations in Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations and Data Science for the MBA, MCA and part time Master Degree courses.


The Library also subscribes to 80 print Periodicals.


The Library has enough space for study. The layout of the library is designed as reading room and a general administrative staff room and stack room. In the stack room area books are arranged in two sections.

  • General Home-Lending section
  • Reference Section

It has an Open access system whereby students are allowed to select books based on their preferences. General home lending section books have large variety and are available for issue.


The books are stacked in open racks arranged subject wise as per Dewey Decimal Classification schedule. Reference Books are expensive and kept for reading and referring only in the library. In addition the library has an extremely user friendly online computer system making it simple and convenient for its end users the students.

Library Timings
Monday to Friday
08:00 AM- 10:00 PM
10:00 AM- 02:00 PM
Lunch Time:
01:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Digital Resources
  • Borrow, Return Policies
  • Policy For Circulation
  • Reserve Book Online
  • Renew Book Online
Print Resources
  • Study Space & Open Access,
  • Internet & wifi Access,
  • InterLibrary Borrow Book,
  • Auto Email Reminders & Online Search,
  • RFID Card & Fine Credit Policy
  • For Faculty 30 Book for 3 Months
  • For all students 10 Book for 14 days
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