Ph.D. in Business Analytics |

The scope in the field of business analytics is constantly growing and has become the main focus area for research and development in analytics skill levels. Exploring business analytics needs the right focus, technology, people, culture and top management commitment. The analysis and optimization covers a wide area including the interfaces with various other functional fields such as Finance Marketing HR and IT.

Areas of predictive and productivity analysis, reliability modelling, forecasting, and optimization are of particular interest for researchers and businesses. The field of Big Data Analysis and Predictive modelling of business scenarios are areas where a lot of knowledge building and research interest is exhibited. The research Area include in Business analytics are Statistics, Quantitative Techniques, Operation research, and optimization, Big Data Analytics, Business Analytics and Data Mining.

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Guide Associated

Sr.No. Research Guide Qualification Research Areas
1 Prof. (Dr). Sanjwani Kumar Ph.D (Management) ,M.B.A(Marketing), MSc, BSc( Science) Business Analytics, Quantitative Modelling in Marketing, Big data Analytics, Statistics
2 Prof. (Dr). Rinku Jain PhD (Mathematics) Special functions, Business Analytics
3 Prof. (Dr). Prerna M Mahindroo PhD (Operational Research), M.Phil. (Operational Research), MSc (Operational Research), BSc (H) Mathematics Optimization Models, Soft Computing, Quantitative Techniques, Business Statistics

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