Co-Curricular Activities

In addition to the regular academic activities, the Institute organizes a number of events with the help of and for students. Some of these events are SPRIHA, SAMAVESH, NATIONAL RETAIL SUMMIT (NRS), COMSTRAT, RESOLUTION, SGMC, STRATINOVA, NAVIKARAN etc.


Students of other leading B-schools across the country also participate in these events and KJSIMSRites get an opportunity to interact with them on topics of current interest.These events help in the holistic development of the students as the students work right from organising the event to executing it.


The faculty members are always there to guide the students but in the end it is only the students who are responsible for it. This inculcates a sense of authority and responsibility among the students which is very important when they join the corporate world. So, K J Somaiya Institute of Management starts preparing the students for the professional world right from the day they enter the college.

Melange(The annual inter-collegiate fest of SIMSR)

Annual College Cultural and Management Fest,organized by SIMSR melange committee and student council with the help of each and every committee of SIMSR.As the name suggests,it is a mixed bag of everything under the sun.It is the most awaited and coveted event that encompasses all spheres of management with shades of cultural and fun activities.

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(Alumni Panel Discussion)- The event aims at engaging elite alumni from diverse sectors in panel discussions.This provides both the participating alumni as well as students with insights about the various sectors.


E-Week is the annual event of K J Somaiya Institute of Management hosted by Entreneurship Cell.E-Week is the event wherein we collaborate with National Entreneurship Network(NEN) to come up with new ideas to celebrate E-Week every year.We try to inculcate entrepreneurial skills and ideas among the students by conducting guest lectures,case study competitions,screening movies,management games,etc.

E- Week
Elaan- E- Yudh


It's an Intra K J Somaiya Institute of Management sports event that will be organized by Senior SportsCom members as a welcome to junior batch.It is also a opportunity for junior batch to show their talent in various sports and get selected for K J Somaiya Institute of Management team of various sports.

Entrepreneur Expo

Entrepreneur Expo is the annual event of K J Somaiya Institute of Management hosted by Entrepreneurship Cell.Entrepreneur Expo is the event wherein companies recruit students for different profiles to work in the concurrent projects.It provides students with a good exposure to the practical and the competitive environment in their respective industries.It also helps start-ups and entreprenuers to recruit students which are of fresh and bright minds and apply their brains for the betterment of the companies

Entrepreneur Expo
Human Equation

Human Equation(The HR meet)

The event is to encourage HR professionals to share their views on contemporary HR problems and challenges.Event includes inter institute competition and panel discussion by reputed HR professionals and academicians.

Icon(The professional meet)

This one day event showcase the best and latest in IT.Sharing of view and news about the latest in IT is the hallmark of this event.

IMC Colloquim

IMC COLLOQUIM : PG-Communications' Flagship Interated Marketing Communications Events:

IMC Colloquium-the flagship event of PG-IMC is the 'No Normal' marketing festival in india.Engaging The Mind,Body and Soul,the two-day fest is a melting pot of thoughts,ideas,analysis and strategies by eminent Communications industry personalities with active participation by the best brains from the top management school in India.IMC Colloquium hosts several discussion forums,case study contests,marketing competitions apart from the panel discussions and speaker sessions on hot and happening communications-based topics.Showcasing the best marketing industry has to offer,it celebrates the essence of the word 'Marketing Communication' on its truest form.

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Investrix(The finance meet)

This 2-day event attempts to capture a gamut of activities,including mock-stock game,paper presentations,seminars and panel discussions,The objective is to enhance student knowledge beyond the purview of the defined course and facilitate interaction with experienced industry experts.



It's an Intra K J Somaiya Institute of Management sports event that is organized by junior SportsCom Members as a Farewell to senior's batch.


Interaction session between alumni and existing students. The event primarily aims at providing first year students with much needed guidance for deciding their specialization as well as their summer internship.


Navikaran(Marketing Fest)

Navikaran is the annual inter-collegiate Marketing fest of K J Somaiya Institute of Management which is hosted by INTERFACE.Navikaran offers Marketing enthusiasts with a plethora of opportunities ranging from Case Studies,Competitions,Corporate Interactions and Online Events.


(Annual Alumni Home-coming event) The event provides an opportunity for the alumni to come back to their alma-mater and renew their ties with both the institute and its existing students.

National Retail Summit

NRS(National Retails Summit)

This one day event discussion the latest in retail and the projected future for various aspects of retail business.

Click here for NRS Report 2021


It is an 'International Business Conference' organized by International Business Society(IBS@K J Somaiya Institute of Management) every year where eminent speakers from various industries share their views and experiences about the changing dynamics of International Business environment and provide an insight to students about the various developments taking place in the global era and how they are changing the International business landscape.

Quantinuum Annual Day

Quantinuum Annual Day

The event is organized by QUANTINUUM @ K J Somaiya Institute of Management-the Quantitative and analytics club,which over the years has been highly instrumental in engaging the student community in field of analytics and mathematics.The daunting task has been pursued by consistently creating and conducting innovative and quality event to ignite the passion for subject intense and useful as mathematics.The event is organized with a number of insightful workshops,guest lectures,flagship annual quiz-Quantiz-as an endeavor to provide the best learning and information for the students in the field of quant.

Resolution('A step towards changing for better')

A two day event organized by CII Yi comprising of activities like B plan competition,street play competition,quiz and other informal events.The objective is to help students to become socially responsible businessman and at the same time get awarweness about various issues or changes required in the society through various events.


Samavesh(An annual two-day business meet)

Conceptualized to "Making Minds Meet",the sharing of knowledge and experiences by the preachers and practitioners for the benefit of aspiring managers of tommorow.


SIFICO is an annual "K J Somaiya Institute of Management Finance Conference" held with a view to encourage the research in the finance area by providing platform to academicians and practitioners to present and publish their latest research work,which benefits the students,industry and the society.

SIMSR Global Marketing Conference

K J Somaiya Institute of Management Global Marketing Conference

It is an annual research based conference which provides platform for marketing practitioners,academicians and researchers to analyze and share their knowledge and research finding in the traditional and new areas of marketing in the backdrop of an ever changing technology led marketing landscape.

K J Somaiya Institute of Management-DRAFTFCB Ulka Comstrat

(Inter institute communication strategy live case study competition)- The event is organized in association with FCB Ulka,one of the top advertising agencies.Conducted every year,this is the only competition based on a real life marketing communication case study,which gets enthusiastic participation by almost all premier management institutes in the country.

DraftFCB Ulka Comstrat

SPRIHA(Summer Projects guides and HR Managers Meet)

SPRIHA is held every year,wherein the-summer projects from each specialization are reviewed to select the best projects for the year.In the final event,selected projects are presented to the judges,who are the Summer Projects Guides and HR managers to adjudge the best of the projects asd prize winners.


An Annual flagship event of Consultancy@K J Somaiya Institute of Management committee that is organized annually in Melange.An event comprising of Case Study,Video Making and a Print AD Competition,Stratinova will help you know more about a company,their present strategies,and problems being faced and how the contestants can help them.Past sponsors have included Baker Street and Mercury Travels.

Womens Day Celebration

Women'S Week Celebrations

An Annual campus wide event in the month of March comprising of series of events spread over Women's Week like Guest Lectures,Counseling,Musical Show,Skits,Exhibitions,Self Defense Workshops,Health camps,and lot of other activities aimed at increasing women awareness and safety.


It's an Inter B-School Sports event organized by K J Somaiya Institute of Management SportsCom.Various participating B-Schools are NITIE,SP Jain,JBIMS,IIT Bombay etc.

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