K J Somaiya Institute of Management collaborates with Project Management Associates (PMA), India


28th February 2024

Area of Interest



K J Somaiya Institute of Management

K J Somaiya Institute of Management, in partnership with Project Management Associates ( PMA India ), has initiated efforts to elevate Project Management Education in India, recognising its foundational importance for Business Graduates in Enterprises.

PMA, is renowned for its comprehensive approach for teaching Project Management skills through 29 different parameters, and aims to establish it as a rudimentary component. This aligns with the idea that businesses are constantly evolving projects.

Dr Ramachandran Raman, Director, K J Somaiya Institute of Management, emphasised the importance of Project Management as a constituent that is of utmost value to drive through the complexities of new-age businesses. The collaboration between KJSIM and PMA entails a promising future for Project Management Education in India by emphasising both theoretical understanding and practical application for students.